We changed the way Aston Martin’s customers saw its cars

Aston Martin required a sophisticated customer experience to better demonstrate colour and trim options available on new cars. Customers buy what they see but stock production costs and dealership floorspace often prevent a wide variety of specifications from being shown in showrooms.

We designed a solution based on projection mapping; a projection technique used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. By producing full-size car composite body shells with a semi-translucent finish, it was possible to rear-project colour making it appear like it had been painted. The customer could then simply change the colour of the surface by moving a colour wheel.

By adding more projectors into the map, contrasting trim lines and different wheel options could be shown on the composite body. A solution for the interior was also developed using the same technique but using a model of the cockpit without any body components.

The outcome was a solution that provided a high-quality way of demonstrating any colour combination, within a single footprint of a vehicle at dealership.

Projection mapping

Demonstrate any colour

Maximise space